I appreciate knowing the difference between those who are interested in conversations which lead to reconciliation & those who are only interested in being “right”. I learned the “art” of debate from a true master....my dad (one of many gifts I am thankful I learned and received from him)!! However, I choose to refrain from conversations & arguments which only serve to further divide. 1 Cor.1:10 Even though my heart breaks for you, until you want better for yourself and those in your home, community, & world, my futile attempt in helping you see the issue from another perspective is just that... futile (especially when you do not have all of the information or all perspectives). I am interested in having open & honest dialogue. My desire/purpose in having difficult & challenging conversations is that they lead to understanding, reconciliation, healing & potential change. This I know for sure.....My worth & value are NOT connected to how well I win an argument with you!